meets adam and adam

Abang Din papa's cousin in his pink baju cekak cekak musang, his wife, doughter, his brother Abang Jone and wife, adek, me and mom in green, papa in white, zarina, adam of zainurin and others. That day i ate two times nasi minyak one here, another round at rumah pak charq at taman meru, jelapang, ipoh.
We visited papa's cousin he called him abang din, his doughter get married. they lived in pasir puteh, ipoh. we arrived very late around 3.30pm, other guest had left already. i missed to see my tok, maklong and abang farid becouse they have to rushed back to kedah for another kenduri kahwin..
i met mohd adam son's of zainurin whose my papa called him as adek.